I hear you ask what is VibePay? Well its an app/ service that allows you to get back quickly and easily. Whats great it uses open banking so doesn’t require all your bank account details when linking an bank account in the app. They support at the time of writing 20 banks but adding more all the time check the list here to see if your bank is supported chances are it is as they all the major banks.
It makes it hassle free removing the awkwardness of asking for the money or remembering your account details just create a request in the app for the amount then send it as a link to your friend, family member etc quick and easy.
A cool feature they’ve recently added is an enhanced profile feature that allows you to find and follow family and friends on VibePay, you can also share your favourite transactions too. Also the ability to view your recent transactions and account balances straight from the VibePay app saves you needing to your to your banking app to see them 😀
You can also use it to donate to favourite streamer the best thing is when you use VibePay, the streamer gets a 100% of your donation as there is no fees. Great them and you as you know they will get all of your donation 😀
Worried about the security of VibePay? well they are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority so have to follow a set of rules. You check out their privacy policy here which help to keep your data safe.
VibePay also has a great community and following on Twitter